How To Wash Your Hair

It all begins with picking the right shampoo & conditioner for your hair type. Shampoos with sulfates & silicones may leave your hair feeling squeaky clean but in reality over time the begin the dry out your hair. The ingredients in these shampoos & conditioners leave your hair stripped of its natural oils leaving it prone to breakage & looking very dull.

So “how do I actually shampoo my hair?,” you ask… here are the secrets:

  1. Wet your hair roots too ends & don’t leave any dry spots.

  2. Apply the correct shampoo, making sure you rub it in between your hands before applying it onto your scalp. This helps emulsify the product making it easier to spread around,

  3. Don’t scrub with your nails. Our scalps are sensitive & can be very irritated with an abrasive washing. Instead, scrub with the ends of your fingers.

  4. RINSE RINSE RINSE! It is very important you get all of the shampoo out.If you don’t rinse thoroughly the product can sit on your scalp causing buildup.

  5. Time too condition! There is this misconception that conditioner goes on your scalp too… well I’m here to tell you it doesn’t. Conditioner is mean’t to moisturize the mids to ends of our hair.

  6. RINSE RINSE RINSE… again!

  7. Finally we get too dry after putting all that hard work in. If you dry with a towel no judgement but towels can actually cause more breakage & damage to your hair. I prefer to dry with an old t-shirt or microfiber towel!


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